Bouquet of Tulips by Nick Economo

580 x 1330mm


Hi Scott,

Have tried ringing, but you are closed for week. Hope you had a nice break!


My query is ;


Originally Inv23937 $1297.00 had a back order on Inv for Island Escape.

Statement came in for above Inv for $1,722.00 (which included Back Order).  I paid $1,297.00 as per Inv not statement.


Inv 23957 came with Island Escape invoiced as well as something else.  $902.00 which I haven’t paid as yet, as just waiting to clarify outstanding amount that I am quering.


Latest statement reads the $902.00 outstanding (which I agree with)

But it also shows an amount outstanding of $425.00. which is the questionable amount.


If you could look into it, so I can clear outstanding amounts.  Any query, let me know.


